internet dating

IMG_4961.JPGHow many guys is too many? When you can’t remember which Michael or John you are talking too. “Is he the police officer or the one of the FIFO guys?” Suddenly you realise you maybe chatting or dating too many. Where do you stop? What is the right balance? I know many singles are chatting to a few people at one time, either to keep their options open or incase it simply doesn’t work out. So let’s put a figure on it.. 8? 12?

When I first started internet dating I was surprised at how many guys would say it was refreshing to actually have a conversation with a girl. I found this very odd. But I soon learnt that you cant have deep and meaningful conversations with dozens of guys at once. So at some point you have to narrow the list down.

Talk to me and tell me how you roll with your online dating?

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